Four days after embattled Social media influencer, Adedamola Adewale Rukayat popularly known as Adeherself made bail from the custody of Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), the influencer has taken to her social media page to pen down a public apology to her fans.
Adeherself took to Instagram apologising to her followers in a statement that read:
“If there’s one thing I’ve learnt in life, it’s to never give up no matter how hard things may get in life….
“I Am Adeherself, yes I’m cheerful, happy, playful, energetic and free spirited, I wunt deny the fact that right now I’m in pains and presently going through a phase I never imagined I could ever face in life 💔
“I know I will come out of this victorious, and by the special grace of God with the help of my counselor, I’ll be Adeherself the real King of Queens once again.
“To all my lovers out there, I’m sorry I have not been able to say much about what has been going on concerning the whole situation on ground.please understand that this still an on going case, and I’m following the instructions of my lawyers…
“I love you all with all my heart and I assure you that’s Adeherself will be Adeherself once again.”
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