John Asiemo popularly known as Daddy Showkey, has revealed how he was abandoned by friends and loved ones to suffer for years after his 2007 car accident, which affected his career.
The veteran singer, who became popular with his genres of music which is called ghetto dance or simply ghetto in the late 90’s revealed how he was abandoned on the sick bed after he was involved in a ghastly accident while coming from Olu Maintain’s birthday party.
Daddy Showkey disclosed that he was on the sick bed for three years after which he was advised by the doctor not to sing or dance again, a move that affected his career.
According to the talented singer, after the advise from the doctors he was neglected by his so called friends and partners as he insist they would deny him an entrance into their house just because they know he’s going through a tough time.
Daddy Showkey added that he had to engage in bricklaying job just because he wants to feed his family as he noted that he was mocked by people.
Watch Daddy Showkey narrating his ordeal below:
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