South African Man Saves Family From Drowning While Bystanders Film Instead Of Helping

Prince Zwide Masuku, a South African local firefighter, is receiving lots of accolades from social media over his display of bravery after he rescued a family of three from drowning after their car plunged into a dam

Taking to social media platform, Facebook, Masuku, who shared the story on his page, also posted an image of the family he rescued with the car in the background.

Narrating the incident, Masuku said he had just finished his night shift at work when he saw the car sinking in a dam.

He saw many people pulling out their cellphones and pointing at the car but doing nothing to help, so he made his way into the dam and pulled the mother and her two kids out of the car.

He bandaged the little boy’s head as he had a minor injury.

Sharing the story, Prince wrote;

“I will definitely not Stop Praying for The Strength and Energy, Braveheart that God Has Been able to give me today..this day has been the highlight of my Career and As a Man in the Society..i proved im a man when they stood and pointed, some took out their fones to take videos of the drowning car..but I ddnt think tired as i was from working nytshift i stepped inside that dam and dragged all 3 out..Gods grace the boy had a minor scratch on his forehead, wch i put a bandage on..then mom n daughter were just in shock .kodwa in short..I served the kingdom of God And im proud of myself

🙏 #Zwide #FireFighterMasuku ..speedy recovery to the family..pity they couldn’t get my name n i couldn’t get theirs…but they will remember me.”

The post South African Man Saves Family From Drowning While Bystanders Film Instead Of Helping appeared first on Within Nigeria.

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