PHOTOS: Comedian Mama Tobi gifts self new SUV

Mama Tobi, popular comic act and Instagram comedian, known for his hilarious skits and funny videos is the proud owner of a Range Rover.

The skit maker revealed that he acquired the jeep a week ago, and he’s glad for not posting about his achievement the day billionaire business man Femi Otedola got his 3 daughters Ferraris.

Read his caption here:

😂😂😂 Omo E shock me. Na God say I no jump go post yesterday. So a week ago I finally decided to be proud of everything that I have accomplished this far. To sit back And get something to gift myself and not something to survive. This is different and it feels great. Cheers to me and cheers to the benchmark for greater things to come whether good or bad Thank you God and my amazing friends and family ❤️#mamatobi #oluwakaponeski

Fellow comedian Brodashaggi and Arole sent him their congratulations:

Congratulations my G❤️


See photos below:

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