Lagos approves increase in passenger carriage for BRT buses

Lagos State Government has announced on Thursday that regulated high capacity buses in Lagos operated by Primero Transport Services Limited and Lagos Bus Services Limited can now carry 42 passengers seated and no standing, Lagos State Government announced on Thursday.

This is coming after a review of its earlier order which limited commuter occupancy to 21 passengers but still ensures that occupancy is not more than 60 percent of bus passenger capacity and the review takes effect from today.

Managing Director of the Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA), Mrs. Abimbola Akinajo said the government also approved two fare zones for BRT services.

Abimbola said bus services between Ikorodu and Fadeyi will attract a fare of N300 and trips beyond Fadeyi will attract N500.

She explained that the decision to establish the fare zones was taken following extensive consultation with stakeholders including patrons of the regulated bus services daily.

She stated that operators must ensure that passengers wear face masks at all times, sanitise their hands with alcohol-based sanitizer or wash with soap under running water before and after each trip.

Besides, she said passengers’ temperature must be taken before being allowed to board.

Operators will be expected to disinfect their vehicles and depots regularly.

She said operators must ensure bus terminals and bus stops are not overcrowded with passengers and commercial activities, at any point in time, in line with the social distancing protocol for passengers queuing to board buses.

The post Lagos approves increase in passenger carriage for BRT buses appeared first on Within Nigeria.

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